What Fraction Is Equivalent To 18.75 Percent

What fraction is equivalent to 18.75 percent? This question delves into the fascinating world of fractions and percentages, revealing their intricate relationship and practical applications. Embark on a journey of discovery as we unravel the steps to convert 18.75% into a fraction, simplify it to its lowest terms, and explore the significance of understanding this equivalence in various real-world contexts.

Fractions and percentages are two fundamental mathematical concepts that play a vital role in our daily lives. From measuring ingredients in cooking to calculating discounts in shopping, these concepts are essential tools for understanding and navigating the world around us.

By comprehending the equivalence between fractions and percentages, we gain a deeper appreciation for their power and versatility.

What Fraction is Equivalent to 18.75 Percent?

What fraction is equivalent to 18.75 percent

Understanding the relationship between fractions and percentages is crucial in mathematics and everyday life. This article explores the concept of fractions and percentages, demonstrates how to convert 18.75% to a fraction, and discusses real-world applications of this equivalence.

1. Understanding the Concept of Fractions and Percentages

A fraction represents a part of a whole, while a percentage represents a part per hundred. To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100. For example, 1/4 converted to a percentage becomes 1/4 – 100 = 25%.

2. Converting 18.75% to a Fraction

To convert 18.75% to a fraction, use the formula: Fraction = Percentage / 100.

Therefore, Fraction = 18.75 / 100 = 3/20.

3. Simplifying the Fraction

The fraction 3/20 can be simplified by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator, which is 1. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 1 gives the simplified fraction:

3/20 รท 1/1 = 3/20

4. Writing the Fraction in Lowest Terms

The fraction 3/20 is already in its lowest terms, meaning it cannot be further simplified.

5. Illustrating the Equivalence with an Example, What fraction is equivalent to 18.75 percent

To demonstrate the equivalence between 18.75% and 3/20, we can use the following example:

18.75% of 80 = (18.75/100) – 80 = 15

3/20 of 80 = (3/20) – 80 = 15

Both calculations result in the same value, 15, proving the equivalence between 18.75% and 3/20.

6. Creating a Table for Equivalent Fractions

Percentage Fraction Simplified Fraction
18.75% 3/20 3/20
37.5% 3/8 3/8
75% 3/4 3/4

7. Discussing Applications of Fractions and Percentages

Fractions and percentages are widely used in various fields, including:

  • Finance: Calculating interest rates, loan repayments, and investment returns
  • Science: Expressing concentrations, ratios, and proportions
  • Engineering: Determining material strengths, dimensions, and ratios
  • Everyday life: Understanding discounts, calculating cooking measurements, and estimating distances
  • Questions Often Asked

    What is the formula for converting a percentage to a fraction?

    Fraction = Percentage / 100

    How do you simplify a fraction?

    Divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF).

    Why is it important to understand the equivalence between fractions and percentages?

    It allows us to easily compare and convert between different representations of quantities, making calculations and problem-solving more efficient.